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Ways To Contact Us...

Page Us Direct: 1-865-301-2360.

This is generally the fastest and best way to reach us as we are often away from the office telephone. 

Page Us Toll Free: 1-888-509-1260.

This is an easy way to page us when you are not inside the 865 area code.

Note: This number is only good when calling in Tennessee. 

Call Us Direct: 1-865-932-0506

If we are in our office you may be able to reach someone immediately. If all the lines are busy or no one is in the office to  take your call you will be automatically switched to our voice message center so we can be promptly notified . Speak clearly or just enter your telephone number.  

Send Us a Fax: 1-865-932-7102

This is the best way to send us documents.
Send E-mail:
This is the best way for you to send general questions. We always check our e-mail late each evening and usually several times during the day.

Our Mailing Address: 

RDH Services LLC 

803 North East End Rd. 

Strawberry Plains, TN 37871

Although this is usually much slower than any other way it is

necessary for documents that require original signatures.

Send Us a Written Message... In Seconds 

This is the best way to send a short written message that we need to receive instantly. For example: You want to notify us you are sending us an important fax or you are requesting that we call you at a specific time.


Follow these simple instructions to send your instant message:


It's as easy as 1-2-3...

(1) Click link below for instant message text box.

(2) Complete the following as shown in each box on the Arch Wireless Send A Message Page:

Select this Messaging Terminal

TN-Knoxville - 301-9999

 Messaging Address* of Recipient/Subscriber


Limit 240 Characters

Always include: Your telephone number(s) (even if you prefer for us to e-mail you.

We may be out of the office or may not have easy access to the internet).  

(3) Click Send. 

Your typed message will appear on our PAGE- NET pager in seconds where ever we are in Tennessee.

Note: Do not page us on this number if you are not located in Tennessee. 

Remember: We always respond promptly to all our pages, calls and e-mails. If you don't receive a timely response, don't hesitate before you try again. We are here to serve you.

The Internet is a global network that is not maintained by any one entity. Therefore, it is quite possible to experience outages and delays. Please be aware that time-critical messages should be sent by a more reliable means

Got Questions?  Call Us Toll-Free 1-888-932-0506

 Be sure to ask about our phone-only specials.






Our mission is flexibility and control for our clients and customers.

RDH Services LLC dba The Home Buyer's Realty  * 803 North East End Rd. * Strawberry Plains, TN 37871

Nashville 615-584-0087 * Knoxville 865-932-0506  * Toll Free 1-888-932-0506  * Fax  865-932-7102 * Firm #00255532 Ralph Howard Principal-Broker 1999-2003© Copyright RDH Services LLC

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